
Supplementary Services

Land / Property Sales

Land and/or property sale and leasing is a process backed by a range of factors and an almost hard-to-reverse decision.

It is on this premise that we strive to provide our esteemed clients the platform to solicit all the needed market data for a comprehensive analysis in arriving at that sacred decision.

We also provide the platform for the vendor and purchaser to interact while we serve as the transaction advisors for optimum satisfaction of the parties. Our hallmark is the conduct of specialized due diligence and interpretation of all relevant issues associated with property for the achievement of the goals and satisfaction of our customers.


Brokerage Services

Locating an appropriate investor/purchaser who would offer the best value has not been an easy endeavor for owners of properties. On the other hand, investors also go through a torrid time identifying an appropriate property that will yield the best value for their investments —a property that is free from any form of litigation.

Because of our expertise and integrity, we provide the best avenue for bringing buyers and sellers together in a profitable and a harmonious environment. With our in-depth knowledge, experience and professional expertise coupled with our vast clientele, we endeavor to also offer the best value for your property.

We also possess an array of sales & marketing techniques that seek to give your property maximum-audience reach thereby ensuring competitive value for your property. Our top priority is to broker your property in the shortest possible time.

Property Management

Property owners have legitimate concerns about how an efficient property management strategy can offer valued benefits to them. Over the years, we have acquired and developed specialized procedures for the realization of an efficient property management strategy for the maximum benefit of our principals and tenants.

DLA Investments’ strategic management approach can relieve the mortgagee of the risks and the benefits associated with a real estate investment. DLA’s property management services for occupiers, landlords and investors apply across all types of commercial, industrial and residential properties.

We bring together property management strategies with facilities management principles, to meet the latest service standards and sustainable goals. We deliver this mandate with the real intent of service and ultimate satisfaction at very affordable terms and conditions.

Property Valuation

We are well positioned to provide accurate market values of land and or property in conformity with local and international appraisal standards. Every land or property has a market value depending on several factors.

The factors that help determine the market value of land and or property includes but not limited to location, neighborhood character, city character, topography, access to services; electricity, water, roads as well as proximity to certain prime activities.

Investment Appraisal

Land and/or property ownership provides a sense of wealth. Wealth creation is an art and improving the worth of the wealth is a more difficult task.

The art of property investment hinges on a professionally conducted investment appraisal under the principles of highest and best use. Our well-motivated and professional staff are well positioned to provide this service at very competitive prices.

Real Estate Development

It is an undeniable fact that housing provision and advancement of dwelling remains in deficit in Ghana. The development of standard dwelling houses is equally in deficit.

We work with our team of strategic partners to offer estate development services not only to bridge the housing deficit by the numbers but offer high-quality sustainable and green-architectural schemes that are environmentally friendly.

DLA recognizes the future of real estate to be GREEN ARCHITECTURE!

Paralegal Services

Land/property rights and responsibilities is a specialized arena that is constantly being put under scrutiny and challenge. Owners of rights in land or property are saddled with competing interests and claims hence the law courts are overwhelmed with land cases. It is a well-documented and established fact that more than two-thirds of the cases in our courts (Ghana) are related to land or property.

It is also a well-established fact that land and/or property cases in our law courts are always dragged for far too long spanning from 5 years minimum to almost forever. Our cursory study of some cases on a pilot basis only led us to one conclusion; the technicalities of the land/property cases are not well established before the case heads to court.

We also noted an interesting fact; most of the cases could technically be addressed to arrive at a conclusion favorable to both parties without having to head to the law court. It is on this premise that we have positioned our professionally assembled team of technical experts in land administration to administer all the technical aspects unto our clients and lawyers to establish all the true facts of land and/or property disputes.

The motive behind this service is to reduce and/or prevent land and property issues from choking the courts and imparting negatively on the property market and the nation (Ghana) at large. We adopt the most coherent and comprehensive alternative dispute mechanisms to deliver the best results for our clients.
